Kingdom Characters

When God was establishing the kingdom of Israel, he primarily used four men (besides the prophet Samuel): Saul, David, Joab, and Solomon.  Each of these men were very different.  Each had wonderful gifts that were used by God to build the kingdom.  Each had fatal flaws that resulted in a tragic end to their stories. 

We have a tendency to divide biblical characters into heroes and villains, but one of the great evidences of the Bible's historical truth is that its pages reveal real people that are not so easily categorized.  David and Solomon are lionized as heroes, while Saul and Joab are written off as villains.  When we do that, we lose sight of the vital role each played in God's plan as well as the warnings from each life.

Today, God is building His kingdom through the church, and He has put Davids and Solomons--as well as Sauls and Joabs--in each of our churches to accomplish the work.  This book will tell the story of each man--his strengths, gifts, accomplishments, and fatal flaws--and teach us to recognize these same qualities in our own church body and in ourselves, as well as how to maximize our gifts (while avoiding the pitfalls) of each personality.

So who are you?  David, Saul, Joab, or Solomon?  Find out in Kingdom Characters!

Take the Kingdom Characters Quiz!

Excerpts from Kingdom Characters:

(coming soon)

If you are a publisher and you are interested in publishing this book, I am interested in that, too.  Contact me via this website.

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