Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Presidential Election: An Attempt at an Eternal Perspective

I mentioned on Facebook last week that while I cannot vote for Barack Obama to be re-elected, I was very uneasy with the prospect of Mitt Romney becoming President as well.  It was a feeling that had been growing since the second debate, when a better performance by the President did not stop Romney's momentum in the polls.  More than that, the uneasiness was prompted by a statement by Romney in closing moments of the debate. 

More on that in a minute.

I am also trying in my life to look at things through an eternal lens.  I think that is our task as Christian pilgrims in this temporary world.  The world should be better for our passing through, but this world is not our home, and we have the knowledge that a far greater reality awaits beyond this world, and that reality is more truthful and more real than what we experience right now.

First I suppose that I should explain why I cannot vote for Barack Obama.