Monday, March 2, 2020

Holy Week Prayer Guide: Tuesday

Tuesday: Jesus is Anointed at Bethany
Scripture: Mark 14:1-11

Key verse: Mark 14:9— “I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.

When this woman came bursting in, uninvited, to this private meal, everyone looked at Jesus to send her away. She was a woman of poor reputation: “If Jesus were really a prophet,” they said, “he would know what kind of woman this is.” How could a holy man of God let a woman like this even touch him? And then what she did shocked even the disciples. She broke a jar full of perfume worth tens of thousands of dollars and just poured it all out on Jesus right there. “What a waste!” they said.

Instead, Jesus told them that this woman’s response to him was such a beautiful picture of the gospel that her story would be told everywhere in the world. What was everybody missing? This woman knew she was forgiven completely. She was no longer ashamed before Jesus. She was restored and loved. And so, she loved Jesus in return. Jesus didn’t want her for the money she could raise for the poor. He had redeemed her so that she would love him, and her extravagant love that she poured out on Jesus seemed like a waste to everyone else.

Sometimes people get the impression that God wants us for what money we can give or what good things we can do. But what he wants most is your love. There is nothing you can give God that he does not already have—except your love. God does not love you any less for the bad things you have done and does not love you any more for the good things. He loves you completely and thoroughly. All that’s left is for you to love him back. Will you love him back today?

Heavenly Father, thank you that you love me—all of me, completely and thoroughly.
I receive your love today, choosing to believe you look at me with tenderness and affection.
Jesus, I love you, too. Thank you for the sacrifice that brings me complete forgiveness.
I pour out my love to you today in return. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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