Monday, March 2, 2020

Holy Week Prayer Guide: Good Friday

Friday: Three Crosses

Scripture: Luke 23:13-46

Key verse: Luke 23:42“Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”.

There were three crosses on Calvary that day. Three men were doomed to die, and then Jesus was thrust into their midst.

Barabbas is the only name we know of the three. He was a leader in an insurrection against Rome. You might assume that the other two men sentenced to die on his right and left were his deputies. Barabbas was pulled from his cell to hear people shouting his name. Before he knew it, he was set free, his cross given to someone else. Now Barabbas had a choice. What would he do with his freedom?

Everyone faces the choice of Barabbas. Jesus has taken the cross for us all. Will you continue in rebellion and sin and end up back on death row? Or will you live in thanksgiving to God? Do we forget about who took the cross or do we seek to know him?

The two other thieves were not so fortunate. One thief died screaming insults at Jesus. He could not see through his pain enough to feel anything but anger, raging at God and the man of God next to him.

The other looked at the One who was beaten and bleeding and saw not a defeated messiah but an innocent and triumphant King. He saw a truth in that moment that was hidden even from Jesus’ own disciples! He turned to Jesus: “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus answered, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” It didn’t matter what the man had done. It didn’t matter that he was a thief and a murderer or that had no life left to do any good to make up for the evil in his life. He found forgiveness and salvation in Jesus.

We can find ourselves in each thief. Maybe you can’t believe in Jesus through the pain in your life. Maybe you feel like you have nothing left to offer. We all have a choice in how to respond. Will you answer Jesus’ invitation into his kingdom today? Will you live in thanksgiving to Jesus for taking your cross on himself? How will you respond to Jesus today?

Jesus, thank you that you took my cross. You died on the rebel’s cross that I deserve.
I choose today to live in thanksgiving for this sacrifice. Help me not to turn back to rebellion.
I find forgiveness and new life in you, Jesus. Thank you that you remember me in your kingdom.
Help me to remember you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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