Monday, March 2, 2020

Holy Week Prayer Guide: Monday

Monday: Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Scripture: Mark 11:15-19

Key verse: Mark 11:17— “And as he taught them, he said, ‘Is it not written:
‘“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations”?
But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.”’

Jesus was disgusted and angered by what he saw when he entered the temple. Instead of the people of God welcoming anyone who would come to worship God, there were people working to take advantage of the outsiders and profit off of vulnerable people.

Have you ever felt unwelcome when you came to church? Does it ever make you mad to hear about ways that a few religious leaders hurt the people that trust them? Know that Jesus is passionate about protecting those who come with a sincere heart to seek his Father. He wants people of all types to be able to come to the house of worship freely and find a “house of prayer,” where people can encounter God. Jesus says that you are welcome in God’s house.

The moneychangers had missed the point; they were looking to gain something for themselves rather than to worship God. Are you ready to seek God out of a pure heart? Jesus says you are welcome in his Father’s house. Will you accept the invitation?

Heavenly Father, thank you that I am welcome in your house of worship.
Jesus, thank you for preparing a way for me to seek God just as I am.
I invite you today to drive out all impure motives from my heart.
Make my body your temple, where your Holy Spirit speaks to me. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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