Monday, March 2, 2020

Holy Week Prayer Guide: Resurrection Sunday

Easter Sunday: Alive

Scripture: Luke 24:1-12, 36-49

Key verse: Luke 24:5-6— “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!

Why is Easter, specifically the resurrection of Jesus, so important to Christians? The church was born and grew on the news of an event: Jesus of Nazareth, great teacher, prophet, and worker of miracles, had been executed by the Romans at the request of the Jewish leaders. He died, but he rose to life again! Hundreds of people saw Jesus alive. Many were killed for their testimony. No one would deny what they had seen, nor would they stop spreading the news.

Many men exalted themselves during the Roman occupation of Judea, gathering a following as the long-awaited Messiah. Many of these messiahs died on crosses, but only Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrection proved that Jesus alone is the Messiah, or Christ. His claim to be the Son of God was blasphemy, unless it was true. And the resurrection proved God’s approval of his claims.

Only Jesus lived a sinless life, defeating Satan and every temptation of the flesh. Only Jesus died a completely innocent death, allowing him to bear sin for us. And only Jesus conquered death, so only Jesus has the power to deliver you from sin in this life, and from death into eternal life.

Only Jesus is great enough to command our worship. Only Jesus has the power to save. And only Jesus loves you enough to pass through hell so that you might never taste the sting of death. You are safe in his hands. Trust him. Love him in return. Worship him.

The Bible says Jesus gave his life so he could have a people who are his very own. This people is called the church. You love Jesus by loving his church. You experience his life by living where he lives, among his people. He invites you to be alive with him. 

Will you accept that invitation?


Jesus, thank you for giving your life for me.
I believe that you rose again and are alive today. Please fill me with your life.
My only hope is you, Lord Jesus. I trust you with my life today—past, present and future.
Seal me with your Holy Spirit so that I might live for you from this day on.
Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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